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Call for papers: ECMI conference “Available mechanisms for combating discrimination and the protection of national minorities in the eastern borderland of the European Union, and their effectiveness at the local level”.

The European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) will hold a conference titled “Available Mechanisms for Combating Discrimination and the Protection of National Minorities in the Eastern Borderland of the European Union, and their Effectiveness at the Local Level”. The conference is organized within the framework of the ECMI Eastern Partnership Programme and will be held on 17-18 May 2017 in Kyiv, Ukraine. The organizers invite speakers from Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine to give a brief (up to 10 min) presentation within the thematic framework of the conference.
The ECMI calls for paper proposals on the following topics:
– Experience in monitoring hate speech and ethnic discrimination at the local level; – Combating discrimination and segregation in the school system; – The development of bilingual education and protection of the right to use minority languages ​​in the school system; – Experience in intercultural learning and the development of tolerance at the local level; – Experience in civil campaigns aimed at combating discrimination and the protection of minorities; – Experience in providing legal aid to individuals and non-governmental organizations with regard to discrimination and protection of minorities at the local level; – Experience of cooperation between national minority organizations and human rights NGOs on the issues of non-discrimination and protection of minorities at the local level; – Experience of cooperation between NGOs and governmental bodies and municipal authorities on the issues of non-discrimination and protection of minorities at the local level.
The ECMI invites governmental and municipal officials; members and employees of non-governmental organizations; researchers, teachers and students at MA and PhD level of educational institutions; and all other people concerned with the issues of equality and ethnic diversity from Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine to submit their proposals. Only proposals from people permanently residing in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine will be considered.
Please send your electronic application in English or Russian to the ECMI staff members Alexander Osipov and Hanna Vasilevich to both emails: and
The application must include:
the presentation title,
an abstract (up to 300 words), and
a brief (up to 300 words) biographical note about the author, including the information on education, professional interests, and professional and social activities.
A sample of a biographical note can be found on the website of the ECMI Eastern Partnership Programme –
The deadline of submission of applications is 10 January 2017.
The ECMI reserves the right to select the applications; only selected applicants will be contacted by the organizers; the selection results will be announced by 1 February 2017.
The invited applicants will be requested to submit their papers by 31 March 2017 in English or Russian; the lengths of a paper shall not exceed 4 pages (Times New Roman; 1.5 line spacing; font size 12).
Organizers will cover travel expenses and accommodation in Kyiv, Ukraine, of the finally approved speakers. Accommodation will be provided only for the dates of the conference.Джерело:

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