Concluding seminars on the combination of different approaches to equality provision and anti-discrimination.

The EPP team has returned after conducting a two-day seminar in the capital and two regional events.
The series of seminars dedicated to the combination of different approaches to equality provision and anti-discrimination was held in Kyiv, Mykolaiv and Vinnytsia. The seminars were organized in cooperation with the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, the Ministry of Culture, the Mykolaiv Regional State Administration and the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration.
The seminars topic, “The combination of different approaches to equality provisions and anti-discrimination ” sparked a keen interest with the Ukrainian public, and over 120 people attended the EPP seminars in the three cities.
Three invited experts, Mr. Aleksejs Dimitrovs, Dr. Reeta Toivanen, and Ms.Oxana Gumennaia gave lectures at the events, focusing on the ways of effective anti-discrimination and practical utilization of anti-discrimination legislation for minorities‘ protection. During every seminar the expert lecture was followed by a questions and answers session, and a lively discussion involving everyone attending the seminar: representatives of minority communities, NGO activists, state and regional decision-makers.Джерело: http://ecmi-epp.org/?p=2827
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